Cost to upload
The cost to upload data to Arweave using Irys is based on the number of bytes uploaded.
Price calculator
The calculator provides the real-time cost of permanently uploading your data.
Upload cost overview
Total data size
0 bytes
Number of files
Number of tags
ETH total
Fee breakdown
Fees are computed as follows:
irys_fee(X = number of bytes) =
arweave_cost(max(X, 10000)) *
conversion_rate("AR", token) *
global_multiplier *
is cost of storingX
number of bytes on Arweave using linear pricing (i.e. ignoring minimum chunk size). e.g. ifarweave_cost(256KB) = $2.56
thenarweave_cost(1KB) = $0.01
is the conversion rate between AR and some other token (e.g. MATIC). This allows users to pay the same fees in different currencies.global_multiplier
is a multiplier applied to all transactions which can be seen as a “profit margin”.oracle_fee
is a risk multiplier which accounts for cost of treasury management and asset volatility.
Free uploads
Uploads below 100 KiB are free on Irys. This is a public good for users to be encouraged to try Irys. Uploads are rate-limited to 600 transactions per minute, with upload counts resetting every minute.
If you upload more than 600 transactions within a minute and have a funded balance, that balance will be used to pay for the transaction. If you don't have a balance, then you'll get a 402 - Free transaction limit exceeded, funds required