API Docs


Permanently uploads a group of files in a single transaction.

When using the method on the server (Irys), you provide the path to a folder which is then uploaded. When using the method in the browser (WebIrys), you pass an array of File objects that are then uploaded.



  • folderToUpload: Path to the folder being uploaded
  • indexFile: (optional) The name of an index file also included in the folder you upload. If provided, this index file will load when a user requests https://gateway.irys.xyz/[manifest_id]
  • batchSize: (optional) The number of files to upload at once.
  • keepDeleted: (optional) Whether to keep now deleted items from previous uploads. When you upload a folder, the file names are indexed and saved. If you then re-upload that same folder, Irys will only upload new files added since the previous upload. In the case where you delete files from your source directory, this flag tells Irys whether to keep those deleted files in the index or remove them.


  • response: A JSON object with the following values
	id, // Transaction id (used to download the data)
	timestamp, // Timestamp (UNIX milliseconds) of when the transaction was created and verified
	version, // The version of this JSON file, currently 1.0.0
	public, // Public key of the bundler node used
	signature, // A signed deep hash of the JSON receipt
	deadlineHeight, // The block number by which the transaction must be finalized on Arweave
	block, // Deprecated
	validatorSignatures, // Deprecated
	verify, // An async function used to verify the receipt at any time


const irys = await getIrys();
// Upload an entire folder
const folderToUpload = "./my-images/"; // Path to folder
try {
	const response = await irys.uploadFolder("./" + folderToUpload, {
		indexFile: "", // Optional index file (file the user will load when accessing the manifest)
		batchSize: 50, // Number of items to upload at once
		keepDeleted: false, // Whether to keep now deleted items from previous uploads
	console.log(`Files uploaded. Manifest ID ${response.id}`);
} catch (e) {
	console.log("Error uploading file ", e);



  • files: An array of TaggedFile objects, each containing a File and an array of tags to be added to that file
  • indexFileRelPath: (optional) The name of an index file also included in the folder you upload. If provided, this index file will load when a user requests https://gateway.irys.xyz/[manifest_id]
  • throwawayKey: (optional) Your own throwaway JWK to use for signing (i.e if you want to use the same one for more than one set of uploads).
  • seperateManifestTx: (optional) If true, the manifest transaction will be excluded from the bundle making its tags indexable and queryable.


  • manifest: A JSON object with the following values
	id, // Manifest ID
	timestamp, // Timestamp (UNIX milliseconds) of when the transaction was created and verified
	version, // The version of this JSON file, currently 1.0.0
	public, // Public key of the bundler node used
	signature, // A signed deep hash of the JSON receipt
	deadlineHeight, // The block number by which the transaction must be finalized on Arweave
	block, // Deprecated
	validatorSignatures, // Deprecated
	verify, // An async function used to verify the receipt at any time


const webIrys = await getWebIrys();
const files: File[] = [];
const tags: { name: string; value: string }[][] = [];
// Set files and tags in your UI
// Convert to TaggedFile objects
const taggedFiles = files.map((f: TaggedFile, i: number) => {
	f.tags = tags[i];
	return f;
// Optional parameters
const uploadOptions = {
	indexFileRelPath: "./index.html",
	manifestTags: myTags,
	throwawayKey: myKey,
	seperateManifestTx: true,
const response = await webIrys.uploadFolder(taggedFiles, uploadOptions);


A JSON object containing the following values. A receipt is also generated which can be retrieved using irys.utils.getReceipt(response.id)

	id, // Transaction ID
	manifestId, // Manifest ID
	manifest, // The manifest
    txs, // An array of DataItems, one for each entry in the bundle
	timestamp, // Timestamp (UNIX milliseconds) of when the transaction was created and verified
	version, // The version of this JSON file, currently 1.0.0
	public, // Public key of the bundler node used
	signature, // A signed deep hash of the JSON receipt
	deadlineHeight, // The block number by which the transaction must be finalized on Arweave
	block, // Deprecated
	validatorSignatures, // Deprecated
	verify, // An async function used to verify the receipt at any time


Files uploaded via uploadFolder() can be retrieved in one of two ways.

  1. Creating a URL with the format https://gateway.irys.xyz/[manifest-id]/[original-file-name].
  2. Creating a URL using the transaction ID of each individual file uploaded with the format https://gateway.irys.xyz/[transacton-id]

After a successful folder upload, two files are written to your local project directory [folder_name].csv and [folder_name].json. The example below highlights a folder called “llama_folder” with a total of 5 files in it. The transaction id for each file can be used to retrieve the uploaded data by forming a URL with the format https://gateway.irys.xyz]/[transaction-id]