API Docs


Returns true or false, indicating if a receipt is valid or not.


- receipt: The receipt as a JSON object in the following format

    id, // Transaction id 
    public, // Public key of the bundler node used
    signature, // A signed deep hash of the JSON receipt
    deadlineHeight, // The block number by which the transaction must be finalized on Arweave
    timestamp, // Timestamp (UNIX milliseconds) of when the transaction was created and verified
    version, // The version of this JSON file, currently 1.0.0


  • isValid: A true or false value indicating if the receipt is valid


const irys = await getIrys();
try {
	// First get a receipt
	const transactionID = "i9tgbHsr6c1sxryAQ-SLM2rfQAYRuyap7RmGgH28mI4"; // Your transaction Id
	const receipt = await irys.utils.getReceipt(transactionID);
	// Then verify it
	const isReceiptValid = await irys.utils.verifyReceipt(receipt);
} catch (e) {
	console.log("Error getting receipt ", e);