Path Manifests

Path manifests

Path manifests map paths to transaction IDs. Use them to create logical groupings of transactions, even transactions you didn’t create yourself.


To create a path manifest:

  1. Create a JavaScript Map object where each entry maps a unique transaction ID to a unique path. Paths are arbitrary; you can use anything that conforms to valid URL syntax.
  2. Create a Manifest object by passing the Map object to irys.uploader.generateManifest().
  3. Upload the Manifest object to Irys.
const map = new Map();
map.set("foo.png", "DSfHGmnhb7AN3xY3VUCykl-2xKiQcqXrsSP9zpzQQmY");
const manifest = await irys.uploader.generateManifest({ items: map });
const tags = [
	{ name: "Type", value: "manifest" },
	{ name: "Content-Type", value: "application/x.arweave-manifest+json" },
const receipt = await irys.upload(JSON.stringify(manifest), { tags });
const manifestId =;


Upon uploading a manifest, you get a receipt containing a transaction ID. To download transactions in a path manifest, request them from the Irys gateway using a URL formatted as:

The gateway then:

  1. Looks up the manifest by ID.
  2. Looks in the manifest to see if the path exists.
  3. Returns the transaction associated with the path if found.
  4. Returns 404 if not found.

For example, if you have a manifest with ID W1UbYAZ08egXgm9_kCw24ZZPAfdu8LQB7jc_Vx8fwv4 containing the following:

Tx IDPath Name

You can download the first entry using:

Static websites

When uploading a static website using irys.uploadFolder(), you can automatically create a path manifest by passing it as a parameter.

For more information, see our guide on uploading static websites.

Manually creating a path manifest

Use path manifests to create a logical grouping of transactions, even transactions you didn’t create yourself.

This example:

  1. Uses the Irys query package to search for the 10 most recent transactions tagged image/png.
  2. Groups the transations using a Map object.
  3. Creates a manifest mapping the transations to paths.
  4. Permanently uploads the manifest using Irys.
// Get the most recent 'totalIds' number TXs tagged 'image/gif'
const getTxIds = async (totalIds: number): Promise<string[]> => {
	const myQuery = new Query({ network: "mainnet" });
	const results = await myQuery
		.tags([{ name: "Content-Type", values: ["image/gif"] }])
	const txIds: string[] = =>; // Adjust based on actual structure
	return txIds;
// Generate a manifest containing the 10 most recent TX IDs tagged 'image/gif'
const generateManifest = async () => {
	const txIds: string[] = await getTxIds(10);
	const map = new Map();
	for (let i = 0; i < txIds.length; i++) {
		map.set(`foo${i}.gif`, txIds[i]);
	const irys = await getIrys();
	const manifest = await irys.uploader.generateManifest({ items: map });
	const tags = [
		{ name: "Type", value: "manifest" },
		{ name: "Content-Type", value: "application/x.arweave-manifest+json" },
	const receipt = await irys.upload(JSON.stringify(manifest), { tags });
	const manifestId =;
	map.forEach((value, key) => {
async function main(): Promise<void> {
	await generateManifest();