Chunked uploader

Chunked uploader

The chunked uploader is a fault-tolerant, resumable, stream-based signer and uploader. It allows you to pause and resume uploads, and to do things like create progress bars that show upload progress.

The chunked uploader is supported both with Irys / NodeJS on the server and with WebIrys in the browser. Key Terminology:

  • Batch size - the maximum number of chunks to upload at once. Defaults to 5.
  • Chunk size - the maximum size of a single chunk. Defaults to 25MB. For those with slower/unstable connections, reducing both should lead to improved reliability. For those with faster connections, increasing both will lead to higher throughput, at the cost of more memory (and CPU).

The default uploder (accessed via irys.upload()) does chunking automatically. You only need to use the Chunked Uploader to access advanced features like pausing and resuming uploads, changing batch size, and changing chunk size.